Not with a Bang, But a Whimper

This is the way the Democratic Primary season ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

The presidential campaign that started with a listening tour designed to state the obvious — that people wanted Hillary Clinton to run — will end the same way, with people telling her it’s time to hang it up.

Earlier in the day, McCain’s speech got the attention of the crowd. Two hours later, as Hillary addresses supporters in New York, there is not even a mention of the event inside this venue.

Hillary Clinton is speaking in New York. She looks more relaxed than she has looked throughout her entire campaign, but gives the same speech she has been giving all along. Nothing new. Even now. Nothing new.

"This is a long race, and I will not be making any decisions tonight."

There will be no concession this evening, my friend.

She asks the viewers to visit her website, as if somehow raising her traffic numbers will win her the race.

She thanks. And she thanks. And she thanks her family, of course. She thanks Bill, of course.

And she tells us of a woman in South Dakota, a woman who wants health care, and woman who — like everyone in this country — should have health care. And she is right. But we all know this.

"There is nothing we all can’t do, if we just start acting like Americans again."

She’s right. We’re not acting like Americans. Thank goodness.

And yet… aren’t we?

Here in the Xcel Center, no one is hearing this speech. Here we are all listening to Stevie Wonder and watching ourselves cheer on the overhead screen. Here we are clueless, except for those with laptops and portable devices.

Here — down in the press area — we are worshiping our gods. Thomas Friedman is passing again, my friends. And Hill is done.







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