Halo 3? Not this one.

My favorite Madonna. From Eddie Munch. Looks troubled.

Saints are frequently (always? help me as I am not Catholic) depicted with halos around their heads. In the car biz, there are certain revered cars that emit a similar glow. And few halo cars are worshiped more fervently than the BMW M3.

That is why the first notices on the latest model about to hit our shores soon are as troubling as Munch’s Madonna (depicted above.) In fact, if you believe the English motoring press (as you should because it is the best) things look very dark indeed.

They say its just not snappy enough (for an M3, even with 420 HP, my God) it lacks steering feel (for an M3) and is a little porky (for an M3, as all have been compared to the first beloved iteration in mid-80s, the bad boy with the spoiler).

Personally I think something Faustian is going on. I believe someone whispered into some southern chu-man’s ear that the current M3 is a little too edgy for the typical American gold chain guido. If the Oracles are right, then BMW planned it this way.

And the thought of it makes me mad as you know where.

Like Guidos? then this is your flick. Or if this is too taxing to watch, try the story in more literate form. The comic book is for sale BTW:






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