We’ve been holding our tongue on the whole Katherine Kersten Kolumnist thing, but after her tawdry little appearance here, we can no longer keep ourselves from mumbling out loud on several points.

First, she definitely should have held pat with the original column photo. Every picture we’ve seen of this woman makes it clear to us that time has made her ever more pinched and shrewish. It is also a warning to the kids: Your hateful, me-first attitude will eventually write itself on your outward person. Sure, relief from taxes and the homosexual-lifestyle agenda sound good of a day’s selfish hate-mongering, but your face may actually stay that way. (Ad hominem, yeah, whatever.)

Second, we’re pretty tired of the neo-conservative-Christian-Republican-movement-as-the-real-victims-here meme. If the so-called liberal media were as all-powerful as people like Kersten want you to beleive, then why have a very slight majority of victimized, disenfranchised rural nut-jobs managed to put a conservative christian monopoly into almost every legislature in the land? More to the point, why would she waste her time lending her considerable, erm, reporting skills (which we understand to be the equivalent, in her case, of a bloated Rolodex) to the advancement of the “Red Star”–a business enterprise everyone seems to agree is outdated, irrelevant, and quite possibly bypassing readers on the way to the landfill?

Third, what does this even mean?

Several reputable parties have already commented on this, without explaining First Principles…. i.e., what the hell is she talking about? Is she seriously complaining about happy children? And what does that have to do with homosexuality? Is she saying that homosexual parents can’t possibly raise children that are capable of happiness, without the help of Photoshop? Do children of homosexual parents have some sort of congenital condition that prevents them from understanding the phrase, “Say cheese”?

We guess we’re just missing something here.






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